International Women's Day 2020!
International Women’s Day is Sunday, March 8, and we wanted to take the opportunity to speak about gender diversity and equality in the workplace, and to celebrate some of the amazing women leading our team!
Women in the US constitute 50% of the workforce but only hold a fraction of the leadership positions in most industries. Many studies have shown that gender equality leads to more productive and prosperous companies, and here at McConnell’s, we have seen first-hand that having a diverse team allows for more creativity, problem-solving and innovation.
The theme of International Women's Day 2020 is #EachForEqual, reminding us that we all have both an individual and collective responsibility to strive for a gender-equal world.
In order to celebrate #IWD2020, we wanted to introduce you to a few of the women on the McC’s team who lead and inspire our team every day!

Eva Ein, Co-Owner Head of R&D
Can you tell us about what you do? What is your day like, and what are your responsibilities?
Co-owning and running a family business requires wearing multiple hats. At McC’s, I head up our R&D team, which includes product development and recipes, and which dovetails into production. I also oversee our production team at the dairy, working with our Production Manager, Quality Assurance, Finance, and Purchasing teams. And lastly, I supervise our Events Department. It’s a lot, so any given day is full and never, ever the same.
What skills are most important in your role? How do you think being a woman has helped you succeed in your position?
I would venture to say the most important skills for my roles at the company are organization and leadership. I also think being empathetic and sensitive to shifting energies is very helpful. I think being a woman, a daughter, a sister, and a mother has shaped my skill set invaluably.
What does gender equality mean to you? Why do you think it's important?
To me, gender equality means women being evaluated in equal measure to men, assessed positively and negatively in exactly the same ways, for the same criteria. I think gender issues continue to swirl around strong, assertive women in leadership roles.Why do you think we have so many women in leadership roles at McC's?
While I wouldn't say that we intentionally hire women solely for the sake of equality, we do hire on the basis of qualifications, work ethics, and how well someone fits on our team. I think we can attract talented candidates because we have such a qualified, diverse team. Company culture and spirit are supremely important at McC’s and we’re fantastically lucky to have such a dedicated, hard-working, great group of people. Or maybe it isn’t luck at all….
Okay, now the fun stuff. What's your favorite flavor, and what's your favorite McConnell's "hack"
My favorite flavor evolves on a regular basis…but my truest love is Earl Grey Tea & Shortbread Cookies. Those are two of my favorite foods on planet earth. I don’t have a good hack since I’m a purist about frozen butterfat. One flavor at a time!
Sonia Ramirez Santos, Quality Assurance Manager
Hi Sonia! Tell us about your job. What is your role at McC's?
Taste ice cream all day! Well, that’s the fun part, but my main responsibility is making sure that the ice cream manufactured here at McConnell’s Fine Ice Creams, on top of being tasty, is safe for consumption. What does that imply? That our ice cream meets all regulatory standards. That then gives us peace of mind knowing our consumers will not be exposed to any health risks when enjoying the best ice cream in the world!
Is it common to find women in Food Safety roles?
I have met various women with important roles in the Food Safety industry. From directors, to auditors, and even consultants! All very knowledgeable and influential.
What skills are important to your success? Has being a woman helped you succeed in your position?
Leadership, confidence and attentiveness. I excel as a woman and person when I feel useful and happy doing my job.
What does gender equality mean to you? Why do you think it's important?
I interpret gender equality as women and men having the same opportunities to succeed. Gender equality is important so that everyone has a fair shot.
Why do you think there are so many women in leadership roles at McConnell's? What impact do you think it has?
McConnell’s gives an equal opportunity for anyone to hold leadership roles. That implies that succeeding within this company is a fair game to all.
And you have a favorite flavor or an insider "hack”?!
My favorite flavor is Sea Salt Cream & Cookies. My favorite McConnell’s hack is enjoying my coffee with two scoops of Vanilla Bean ice cream as my creamer every morning!

Amber Tyndall, National Sales Director
Hey Amber! What do you do and what are you responsible for at McConnell's?
Is it common to find women in roles like yours?
What skills are important to have in your position? How do you think being a woman has helped you succeed in your position?
What does gender equality mean to you? Why do you think it's important?
Why do you think there are so many women in leadership roles at McConnell's?
Okay, now the fun stuff. What's your favorite flavor, and what's your favorite McConnell's hack?

Camila Ceron, QA Technician & Production Team
Hi Cami! Tell us about your role at McC's! You were the first woman to ever work on our production team, congratulations!
Yes, I currently work as a QA Technician and as part of the production team. When I first started working at McConnell’s, it was a bit challenging because I was the first woman to join the production team. Due to my dedication and hard work I proved that I am a valuable team player in a male-dominated department. I have managed to succeed in my position and actually ended up loving my work!
What skills have allowed you to succeed in your job?
The most important skills to perform this position are the ability to work as a team, to take care of the interests of the group and always give 110%.
What does gender equality mean to you?
Gender equality means that the work of both men and women is valued in the same way. I felt this from my manager, my supervisors and our QA Manager when they supported me from the beginning and gave me the opportunity to be a part of their team.
After making ice cream all day, do you still enjoy eating it?
Yes! My favorite flavor is Toasted Coconut Almond Chip. Coming home from work and having a spoonful of this delicious flavor makes my day!

Briana Gray, Financial Controller
Can you tell us a little bit about your position at McConnell's?
I am in charge of the financials for McConnell's. Every day is different, which I love. One day I'm looking at the numbers at our scoop shops and how to improve, and the next day I'm looking at our corporate financials.Is it common to find women in roles like yours?
Probably less likely than a man. My predecessor was a woman, so although it might not be typical for most companies, we make it a practice at McC's!
What skills are important and how do you think being a woman has helped you succeed in your position?
A love of working with numbers, and being able to quantify and model a problem using numbers, is essential. I had to get through a lot of math courses in college where I was one of two women in the class. Women can do this work just as well as men can -- it just requires that you ignore the fact that the field is dominated by men.
Why do you think there are so many women in leadership roles at McConnell's? What impact do you think it has?
There has always been the encouragement that came all the way from the owners, that there is room for anyone who is interested to work hard and move up in the company. The people who have done this at McC's are predominantly women (plus a few awesome guys!).
Favorite flavor and hack?
Sweet Cream & Caramel Brownie ALL DAY. My hack: it's called the waffle "shard." You break off a piece of fresh waffle cone (the shard) and stick it into a scoop or use it as a spoon. In my experience, it's the most delicious spoon you'll ever come across!
Keep up the good work ladies, and Happy International Women's Day!